The support from our regular volunteers has been outstanding. They have helped out with numerous tasks over the past month and we are so grateful for them. Frisco Fastpacs has served over 1,200 students during the Coronavirus outbreak, which is more than we served during the school year. We are taking new enrollments for Fastpacs each day and the number of families who need our support is more than ever. If you know someone in need, please refer them to their school counselor for enrollment. A listing of counselors

by campus can be found here. http://www.friscoisd.org/docs/default-source/guidance-and-counseling/counselors_alpha.pdf
UPDATE MARCH 20, 2020:
Our Faspacs families received their weekend meal packs this week and we couldn't be more proud. We called on our amazing volunteers to sort, shelve pack and deliver this week. It was a lot for our small group of volunteers, but they got it done and smiled the entire time! We are so thankful for their dedication to our mission. The need continues as the children we serve are still out of school. We anticipate the need for our services to rise as families fall on hard times, businesses are closed and jobs are lost. This is the time for the community to take care of each other. We have updated our list to reflect our greatest needs. Please consider a food or monetary donation today.
• 15oz can Vegetable
• 15oz can Fruit
• 15oz can Ravioli/Spaghettio’s
• 15oz Soup/Chili/Bean
• Canned Tuna/Chicken/Sausages
UPDATE March 16, 2020:
In coordination with Frisco ISD and Lovepacs Frisco, we will continue to provide our weekend meal packs to children in need. This is a large-scale, coordinated effort between three local organizations all for the same purpose. Please find the details of how all meals will be provided to students in need by clicking here.
UPDATE March 15, 2020: We received notification today that our largest grocery partner can no longer accept bulk orders. SIGH :( If you have a food distributor contact or work for one, we would love to partner with you. SOME items are able to be ordered from other partners, but not nearly everything. Please continue to run food drives and provide monetary donations, as we are unsure what the next grocery bill might look like! Please comment below, message us or email heather@friscofastpacs.org with any partnership info.
We have been busy today coordinating with Frisco Independent School District and Lovepacs-Frisco to ensure we will be able to feed the 1,000 children on our list. But we can't do it without your help.
WHAT WE NEED: Food and Funds, plain and simple. Focusing on the CANNED ITEMS is best, as those are the lowest in stock at our warehouse.
Our Amazon wish list is here: http://bit.ly/fastpacswishlist
And if you want to shop in person, click here for our Food Wishlist.
Grace Avenue Methodist Church will have their "Grace on the Go" trailer set up in their circle drive for donation drop off. Simply drive around, drop your items in the trailer and go about your day. Easy Peasy!
We have not fully fleshed out our volunteer needs for next week, but will communicate those on our website and social media if days/times are available. We are concerned with gathering large groups, as the point of the FISD closure was to stay home and not cross-contaminate. We are considering all options and know you are ready to help when called on!
We are so fortunate to be doing business in a community who takes care of its own. We have been overwhelmed with calls, texts, messages and donations these past two days. Please follow us on Facebook and here on our website for further updates. Thank you for the donations that have rolled in, for setting up online giving platforms, for donating food, for asking how to help... and for your prayers. We are grateful for all you can give.
Please share our posts on social media or our wishlist links with others who are looking to help in this time of need.